Stijn Eeckhout


Over de kunstenaar

Stijn Eeckhout’s work con­fronts the spec­ta­tor with a cryp­tic world that shows remar­ka­ble paral­lels with film and pain­ting. Stijn dis­tin­guis­hes himself by con­scious­ly cre­a­ting a dis­tan­ce from the docu­men­ta­ry aspects of photography.

His pho­to­grap­hy reflects a new rea­li­ty, deta­ched from time and nar­ra­ti­ve, whe­re only an echo reso­na­tes from the eve­ry­day life as we know it. Marks, tex­tu­re, color, light, and its absen­ce domi­na­te the ima­ge, cre­a­ting a play of depth and lay­e­ring that con­trasts with the typi­cally flat charac­ter of a photograph.

Stijn expe­ri­ments with pho­to­grap­hy in all its facets. For example, he employs came­ra obscu­ra tech­ni­ques and various ana­log and digi­tal pro­ces­ses. His ima­ges remain faith­ful to the raw ima­ges sin­ce the­re is almost no post-pro­ces­sing of images.


Stijn Eeckhout

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5 mei
11u – 18u
Maakt deel uit van: NUCLEO
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